Refurbished - Recherished - Remarkable

Proud Stockist of ANNIE SLOAN Paints and Products


Did you say STOCK RISK? Ohhhhh, Stock-IST !!

Well, it all started as I innocently attended another great workshop - this time with the renowned Barbara Skivington in her fabulous Faux Works Studio in North Carolina....we were covering cabinetry and multi-layered drop-dead gorgeous finishes - and as I sat after lunch waiting for class to resume I saw the shelves stocked with ....YOU KNOW.....the WHITE AND BLUE CANS....Annie Sloan Paints.  "So, what's THAT about?"  I asked.  Little did I know where it all would lead.

LONG Story short, this gal who has been pursuing finishes and furniture re-dos since the age of 8 ...........
see 'Why Catfish?? @
took about 20 cans home to the DC Metro area and started to play and play and play.


My retail space at On A Whim Home Boutique in Lucketts, VA became jam-packed with colors and wax finishes, textures and charm....
ON A WHIM has a charm of it's own

people began to ask me the age-old faux finishers dream question - "How DID you do that? and I wanted to lie.  I really did.  But I didn't.  I said, "It's the paint - not me" and that was the truth.

THEN I saw an Annie Sloan Stockist listed in New Jersey and it turned out to be my old pal of 20+ years, Miss Patty Seaman of Classic Wall Finishes...THEN I signed up for Annie's USA Tour Workshop.

THEN I was asked if I was available to escort Annie in NYC on the evening before the workshop to see her son, Hugo play with his band< "JONQUIL" ( at The Mercury lounge...."Uh, yeah, I think I can make that one".  Twist My Arm.
Ms. Annie Sloan - NYC  March 2011

After the ride into NYC on the New Jersey Transit, a grooving night of music (dating myself here) and an mouth-watering visit to the KATZ DELI with Annie........

You can REALLY eat some fries at KATZ's - NYC

I could see that she was, as they say, the real deal.  I had been reading her books for years and always wondered what she was like - she was so down to earth, so warm and real...and so very colorfully creative!   I finally just had to become a part of it ALL!  

My first love has always been teaching regular folks that furniture can be refinished, recherished and then remarkable - and something that EVERYONE CAN DO.  My favorite workshop student is the one that says "I do not have a creative BONE in my body!!"  Yeah, gal.  GOTCHA!  AND if we teach young folks how this is done - they may or may not refinish a piece right away - but they will never ever LOOK at another "OLD" piece of furniture the same way again..

So a proud and happy  Annie Sloan Stockist I am -check out my website for colors, orders and all -  A new studio has opened in Rockville, Maryland for workshops and painting tom-foolery - On A Whim in Lucketts  has thrown open the doors and shelves for the little white and blue cans of paint that really could - and can - and do! 


"Blue on Blue on Blue.....Mon Dieu !!!!"